Welcome to the homepage for the social dynamics big data labs. The labs are designed to introduce the basics of using your computer for the study of social processes. Its chief goal is to raise your degree of programming literacy so you can start experimenting with finding answers to a wide variety of questions.
Lab One
The lab introduces some basics of programming in the context of explaining and importing JSON data. We'll use those new skills to load some anonymized Facebook networks for analysis and visualization.
Lab Two
The second lab uses Twitter to combine the elements of network analysis and natural language processing to begin to ask questions about flow of information and ideas.
Lab Three
The third lab introduces web scraping in more detail and then the analysis techniques of word embeddeding and topic modeling.
Get Started ➡ To get started with the labs go the Getting Started page.
This project was originally funded by a small grant from the University of Michigan's Sociology Department; it was sustained and expanded with support from the University of Michigan's Third Century Initiative